Let's face it, small businesses owned by women and minorities face greater obstacles and higher rejection rates when seeking business funding.
Multiple factors, including lack of knowledge, poor banking relationships, lower credit, net worth, and fewer assets, can cause these financing issues. We understand this and help you overcome these issues to get your business funding request approved.
We truly care about your results, where you are today, and where you desire to be in your business. The purpose of this strategy call is for you to:
Get your customized, tech-driven report based on 200+ data points that shows your funding readiness. This report is based on the exact data lenders use to determine your eligibility for funding and the amount you are funded.
This customized report shows you exactly where your business stands today with lender compliance, business credit, business funding, and more. Then, based on your results, this report shows you exactly what you need to correct so you’re in the best position to maximize your funding.
Your funding plan is based on your Funding Readiness Report and your unique goals. Your business either fits our Start, Grow, or Scale plan. Our proven system saves you time, eliminates guesswork, and optimizes all your funding options.
Once your Funding Plan is chosen, you then work with our team of Business and Funding Advisors who through our Funding Partners expedite your funding applications and submit your documents strategically to over 75 lenders.